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Eagle News: Volume 7

Posted Date: 3/08/25 (:30 AM)

Endeavour Elementary
Eagle News : Volume 7 : March 7, 2025
From the Principal's Desk
Dear Endeavour Families,

Our annual Multicultural Night was an overwhelming success, and we are filled with gratitude! A heartfelt thank you to the many families who dedicated their time and resources to share the richness of their cultures with our school community. We also want to extend our appreciation to the hundreds of families who attended to learn, celebrate, and embrace the diversity that makes us stronger.

This year, we proudly represented 22 different countries. One of Endeavour's greatest strengths is our diversity, and we are thankful for the opportunity to showcase it. Together, we are teaching our children that there is true strength and beauty in our differences.

Thank you for your continued support and for helping make this event so special!

Warm regards,
The Golden Feather
Our Golden Feather Award is given each month to an Endeavour support staff member who goes above and beyond for our school community. Our Golden Feather Award winner this month was given
to our amazing Connections Paraeducator, Ms. Jennie! Ms.Jennie is know for her kindness, unending patience, and deep care for our little Eagles. 

This is what one third grader had to say about her, “ Ms. Jennie takes care of people if they are crying or sad. She is very sweet to everybody.” Ms. Jennie makes a positive impact at Endeavour every day, and we are GRATEFUL for her!
Paraeducator, Jennie Brachvogel, posing with her Golden Feather Award
A colorful banner with crayons announcing Kindergarten Registration.
Do you have a child who will be at least 5 years old by August 31, 2025? Registration for kindergarten classes for the 2025-2026 school year will begin March 3, 2025.

Families can register online or visit your neighborhood elementary school between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. on school days to pick up a registration packet.

Dual Language Option:
If you are interested in the Dual Language Kindergarten at Horizon Elementary School, please see the dual language website for more information and the application link. 

The vaccines required for school attendance are established by the State of Washington. New students must be current in immunizations to attend school. According to state law, students who are out of compliance with immunization requirements must be excluded from school until those conditions are met. Learn more about the state’s immunization requirements on the district immunizations website.

For more information about kindergarten classes, please contact the elementary school in your neighborhood or call the school district’s Elementary Education office at 425-356-1209.
Staff News
Endeavour’s long time music teacher, Ms. Wooding is retiring and will not be returning to Endeavour.

Dain Herndon will continue filling the music position for the remainder of the year. Please join us in thanking Ms. Wooding for her service, and wishing her the best of luck on her new adventures!
Photo of Linda Wooding
PE Happenings
Kids Heart Challenge was a BIG success! Thanks to all of our students hard work and dedication, Endeavour raised over $2,400 in support of the American Heart Association. 

Want to help your child learn the Overhand Throw? Here’s three tips to help guide them on their way:
  • Focus on Proper Grip and Stance
  • Emphasize the Wind-Up and Follow-through
  • Practice with Targets

Reminder - Proper P.E. Shoes
We are concerned about your child’s safety and for that reason; we ask that they wear athletic or running type shoes. Shoes with heels, boots or sandals (such as crocs) make it difficult for children to participate safely. We strongly encourage students to wear socks with their shoes and please send your child to school with a water bottle!

Friendly reminder to please note that teachers do not always have the opportunity to inform the office that your child
going to be absent. Please include Mrs. Rice and Mrs. Baldwin, on all attendance emails.

If you need to report an absence, tardy, or early dismissal, call our office at 425-366-2800, utilize the attendance line at 425-366-2805 or visit the Report An Absence page on the Endeavour Website.
Lawson's Literacy Lounge
Let’s Explore Spelling!
Is your child struggling with spelling? Research shows that teaching the relationship between letters and sounds (phonics) is the most effective way to help them spell. Recognizing patterns (like "igh" in "night" or "ee" in "tree") helps children apply spelling rules to new words. Spelling is best learned in context—through writing, journaling, or making lists, where children see how words are used. Memorizing lists isn't effective; instead, multisensory activities that involve seeing, writing, and saying words aloud can be helpful.
Book open on a table with various drawings above.
Tips to Support Spelling Practice at Home:
  • Create a Word Wall: Display words your child is learning. Regularly review them, and quiz them on spelling or ask them to use the words in sentences.
  • Use Flashcards: Write the word on one side and a picture or sentence on the other. Make it a game to spell the word correctly before flipping the card.
  • Practice with Spelling Games: Play games like Scrabble, Boggle, Wordle or Hangman to make learning fun and interactive.
  • Use Technology: Try apps like Spelling City or Endless Alphabet to reinforce spelling in an engaging way.
  • Celebrate Successes: Praise your child’s progress with small rewards like stickers or extra playtime to boost their confidence.
By focusing on patterns, context, and multisensory activities, you can help strengthen your child’s spelling skills at home.  Thank you for partnering with us to foster a love of literacy with your child!
Yearbook Sale
School yearbooks are on sale now through March 31, 2025.
To order school yearbooks:
  • Click on the following link to order:
  • Parents can order for more than one student on the same order.
  • You will receive an email confirmation of your order.
  • Yearbooks will be delivered to school in June. 
If you have any questions about ordering, please contact KIDS Photography at 425-954-8762 or
QR Code for Yearbooks
Friday, March 21st - NO SCHOOL
PTA Corner
Endeavour PTA offers all parents and caregivers the opportunity to be engaged in their child's potential! Being a member of our PTA means that you are a part of a powerful association and action plan that is focused on programs and initiatives that strengthen your child's education and the family-school partnership!


Mark Your calendar:
  • March 10-12: STEM4Good Registration (grades 3rd-5th)
  • March 27: STEM Night 6:30-8pm in the Gym
Pokemon Art Club Returns! Registration will be open April 1st-3rd.

PTA is still looking for board member candidates for the 2025-2026 school year!

Check out the Endeavour PTA website for details!
Blue circle with white and blue text
Endeavour Elementary PTA
Mukilteo School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Civil Rights Coordinator and Title IX Coordinator Simone Neal (425-356-1244),, Section 504 Coordinator Becca Anderson (425-356-1277),, and the ADA/Access Coordinator Karen Mooseker (425-356-1330), Address: 9401 Sharon Drive in Everett, WA. Inquiries regarding ADA/Access issues at Sno-Isle TECH Skills Center should be directed to Wes Allen, Director (425-348-2220) Address: 9001 Airport Road in Everett, WA 98204.